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100315, scaWaterjet

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Product Details

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The scaWaterjet is a water jetting spray booth capable of coarse and fine support material removal for various AM processes. The capability to be plumbed direct or used stand-alone with an included mobile water tank allows for industrial uses or difficult-to-plumb situations such as offices.

It features a gasketed window with internal mount wiper blade assembly for clear view of the LED-illuminated work area, ergonomically-considered front cabinet design & gloved ports for operator part handling, with two water-jetting spray wands - both capable of high- and low-pressure operation to fit the needs of support removal for your delicate and rigid parts alike.

The covered mobile support frame minimizes collection of shop debris and dust inside the cabinet, while also allowing for a sit/stand option for operators, with easy access to the pump and holding tank. The scaWaterjet was specifically designed to meet your AM-based water spray & jetting needs.

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100315, scaWaterjet

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