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100001-A, sca3600

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The patented sca3600 is specifically designed for the removal of soluble support materials on 3D printed parts. The units are compatible with all all solvent-based and water soluble support materials as well as base modeling materials in conjunction with all recommended support removal concentrates – ABS, ASA, PC, Nylon, and PolyJet Resins.

The sca3600's versatility and efficient cleaning performance are built on the success of earlier models with all the features you have come to expect, in a larger and more capable model.

Common requests from desktop sca users were for a larger system for bigger parts, the ability to clean many parts at the same time, and the option to remove supports from PolyJet parts. The sca3600 is the answer: Faster, larger, and more capable.

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100001-A, sca3600

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